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Four changes to promote high-quality development to stimulate the vitality of the development of enterprises Tianjin's state-owned economy in the first quarter of a high start 2019-04-29

Article source: Tianjin Daily

Since the beginning of this year, the city's state-owned assets system has fully implemented the new development concept, and under the favorable conditions of moderately loose monetary policy, increased efforts to reduce expenses and reduce burdens, and the recovery of some industrial markets, the state-owned economic operation has achieved a "good start" in the first quarter.。According to the data provided by the municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, in the first quarter, the economic efficiency of municipal management enterprises reversed the declining trend and achieved a year-on-year profit growth of 13.7 percent, 15 percent higher than the same period last year.1 percentage point, the profits of 35 municipal management enterprises increased year-on-year, a total of 2.1 billion yuan。At the Tier 1 level, the number of companies increasing profits is three times the number of companies reducing profits, compared with double at the end of last year。In terms of owner's equity, by the end of March, the city's state-owned enterprises reached 1.6 trillion yuan, an increase of 4.9%, of which the city management enterprises reached 888.4 billion yuan, an increase of 5.5%。


Municipal SASAC relevant responsible person analysis,Since this year, there have been four changes in the state-owned economy of our city,The first is a shift in orientation,Instead of focusing on scale and income growth in the past, we will focus on improving quality and efficiency and promoting high-quality development,Pay more attention to the assessment of the profits of the main business,Pay more attention to the profitability and liquidity of state-owned capital,security,We will accelerate the transformation of the state-owned economy in terms of quality, power and efficiency。Taking Tianjin Pharmaceutical Group as an example, since the beginning of this year, they have focused on the industrial layout, adjusted and improved the industrial structure, led the development of industrial clusters, parks and high-end, promoted the construction of key projects, and made phased progress。Strengthen the investment in scientific research, the first quarter of new product research and development, old product upgrade investment reached 1.200 million yuan to continuously enhance the internal driving force of enterprise development。Strengthen the whole process control of scientific research projects, methylprednisolone and prednisone tablets took the lead in passing the US FDA (ANDA) certification among the same varieties in China, and took this opportunity to accelerate the consistency evaluation progress of domestic generic drugs, and strive to be the first of the same varieties in China to be approved and seize the market。Through a combination of measures, the pharmaceutical group achieved sales revenue of 42 in the first quarter.800 million yuan, an increase of 6.6%;Total profit realized 2.500 million yuan, an increase of 12.4%。


Second, institutional changes have taken place。With the deepening of the mixed-use reform of state-owned enterprises and the reform of the "three systems", the market-oriented system and mechanism have been gradually established, effectively stimulating the vitality and internal impetus of enterprise development。At present, the mixed reform of the municipal management enterprise group level is in the forefront of the country, and the mixed reform of the municipal management enterprise group level achieved a breakthrough of "zero" last year, as of the end of the first quarter, 11 municipal management enterprises in the city completed the mixed reform。Since 2018, a total of 160 second-level and below enterprises have completed mixed reform, and 6 enterprises have been listed and issued additional shares。Through the mixed reform, the city's state-owned enterprises have introduced market-oriented mechanism and system, and the vitality of enterprise development has been significantly enhanced, and a total of 31 billion yuan has been introduced。In terms of the reform of the "three systems", taking Zhonghuan Group as an example, they carried out pilot equity incentives in Zhonghuan Stock, a listed company, and closely linked the responsibilities and rights of the backbone team with the development of the enterprise, and the compensation was closely linked with the enterprise efficiency and individual performance. In the first quarter, the net profit of Zhonghuan Stock belonging to the parent company is expected to reach 1.800 million yuan to 2.200 million yuan, an estimated increase of 44% to 76%。


The third is a structural shift。The municipal state-owned assets system has thoroughly implemented the eight-character policy of "consolidating and enhancing smooth flow", deepened the supply-side structural reform, vigorously implemented "zombies", pressed the hierarchy, stripped functions, and avoided risks, and promoted the slimming down and light loading of state-owned enterprises。On the basis of disposing of 365 "zombie" enterprises last year and completing 316 levels of reduction, 84 zombie enterprises were disposed of in the first quarter of this year, accounting for 28% of the annual task。


The fourth is a change in style。In the first quarter of this year, the municipal State Assets two committees did not take a nap, in-depth on-site investigation and assistance of enterprises, strengthened the scheduling of quality and efficiency, implemented the enterprise package and promotion mechanism, created a good development environment for state-owned enterprises, and formed a joint force for development。Taking Teda Holdings as an example, they do not rest during the Spring Festival, work overtime, and make every effort to promote the development of the second phase of Teda Suez Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone, speed up investment promotion, and at the same time, with a day's work attitude, make every effort to promote the project of Waterfront Railway Line 2, and the PPP warehousing work is progressing smoothly。Driven by investments and projects, Teda Holdings achieved revenue of 87 percent in the first quarter.0 billion yuan, a comparable increase of 37.5%, total profit 8.100 million yuan, an increase of 44 percent year-on-year.6%;Completed investment in fixed assets 22.600 million yuan, up 24 percent year-on-year.9%。The city investment Group carefully planned, careful deployment, the first quarter to achieve infrastructure construction investment 11.2.9 billion yuan, compared with the same period last year.3 times, operating investment 20.3.4 billion yuan, the operating income increased by more than 20%, the total profit increased by more than 6% (of which, the main profit increased by more than 66%), the full resumption of key projects, accelerated progress, and the Group's work achieved a good start。

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